Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mr. Big Stuff

Today was Eli's first real day of preschool, without his mommy by his side in the class. And as it probably is for every single parent, it was bittersweet for me to get him ready this morning. I mean, I know its just preschool, but its still my first taste of sending one of my babies out of the nest and into the world for 3 hours a day, two days a week. And selfishly, I love having him at home with me during the day and I don't like to give him up to anybody. He is my buddy and although he's a handful of mischievousness, I wouldn't trade him for the best behaved 3 year-old in the world. That would just be boring.

He really didn't want to go today and was so anxious and upset about it that I almost caved and let him crawl back into bed with me so we could cry about it together. But thankfully, the mom sensibilities in me kicked in and I knew that we had to face this day sooner or later, so we might as well just rip off that band-aid quickly. 

My mom came to our house so that she could drive Eli to school in her big white van-which he thinks is the greatest treat ever-and I followed behind her with Norah. Whatever she said to him in the car during that 5 minute trip must have been really good because he hopped out of the car and marched down the hallway to his class without a single tear or complaint. And I didn't even cry when he forgot to hug me good-bye and walked right over to meet his new friends without so much as glancing over his shoulder. 

And when we came back to pick him up he was all smiles and excitement and all the nerves of the morning were long forgotten. We took him out for his promised ice-cream cone and enjoyed listening to him tell us all about his first day as a big kid. When we asked which little classmate was his favorite he said "Grandfather was really very nice." John and I looked at each other completely lost and although we asked him to repeat the name several times, he stuck with grandfather and seemed very pleased about it. So, there you have it I guess.

A few pictures from the morning:
 I am amazed that he is smiling in these because it was all tears and 
pouting leading up to this moment

 Norah also wanted her turn in the chair with the backpack. 
Such a supportive little sister

My big 3 year old boy

Thanks for dropping me off at school Grandma!

Last minute nerves= a b-line straight to the restrooms on the way to class.
Norah checking to make sure he's okay in there

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